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Kent Showground, Detling, Kent | 2nd-9th August 2025

Helping us towards a carbon neutral festival 

In partnership with 'treeapp' our goal is to improve the world we live in. We're aiming to do that by enabling the planting of trees, that will absorb overtime our festival's carbon footprint.

We also wish to share and encourage Scouts and Guides to better understand how they may want to take action for a more sustainable lifestyle, and by helping spread the word about treeapp and their sustainable services.

Our festival support for the Tanzania initiative.

Tanzania is a country in Eastern Africa known for its two biodiversity hotspots, the Coastal Forests and the Eastern Afromontane.

As woodlands still provide the main source of the country’s energy consumption, the forest cover continues to recede by approximately 1% every year, which is twice the global average.

Our support of projects in Tanzania promote sustainable reforestation in order to restore fragmented habitats. Tree species planted here include the Jacaranda, the African Tulip and the Fig tree. Our work will contribute to the SDG goal to protect biodiversity hotspots. Working with local communities we provide employment for the creation and development of tree nurseries, land preparation and planting of established trees on protected land. A truely sustainable approach to reforestation.

Our Festival has promised to plant one tree for every Scout, Guide, Explorer Scout and Ranger Guide who takes part in KIJ25.


Just by attending every participant can be proud they are making a real difference to the lives of families in Tanzania, creating new forests that will breathe new air into our planet, create biodiverse habitats for wildlife and absorb CO2 ​which will help our festival to reduce its carbon footprint.

As we lead up to our festival we will share more on how participants, leaders and staff can engage with this opportunity and take positive steps to support treeapp with its big ambitions.

Please take a moment to view a video below about the region and sustainable initiatives around the world of which ours, in Tanzania, plays a part.

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